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Showing posts from May, 2024

Transshipment Explained: How It Impacts Your Supply Chain

When shipping goods around the globe, sometimes they just don't travel from Point A to Point B. Sometimes, they travel on more complex routes with various stops along the way. This process is called transshipment. But what is transshipment, and how does it impact t he supply chain? Let's break it down simply below.    What is Transshipment?     Transshipment is like taking a bus: You transfer at a station to another bus before reaching your final stop. It's a process where goods are moved from one vehicle or ship to another at a midpoint location. Goods don't move directly from their origin to the final destination ; they have to reach a port or airport, unload them, and then again load them onto a new vehicle or ship .     Suppose you mailed a package from a small town to a distant country. Your package may travel to a big city's airport, get transshipped onto a larger plane, and then reach another airport where it's loaded onto a truck. The ...

Exploring the Top Benefits of Partnering with a Third-Party Logistics Company

    While starting a business is easy , managing its day-to-day oper ations and maintaining pro fit can be tricky . Moreover , these cha l lenges can bec ome e v en more s igni f icant if your business includes shipping and transportation . If your business is un able to gene rate profits or expand because of labor o r logistic s l imit ati on s, then you need to pa rtner wi th an exp er ienced third-party logistic s compan y. By par tn erin g wit h a 3P L co mpa ny , you c an e asily focus on y our core operations, all owin g 3 P L prov i d er s to op ti miz e supply c hain costs a nd pe rfor man ce.   In this blogpost , we will discuss what a 3PL comp any is a nd the b enefits you will get by partneri ng with a third party lo gisti cs c ompany.   What is a Third Pa rtner Lo gistics Company?     A Third-Party Logistics company is a specialized service provider that oversees a company's logistics and supply chain opera...